A Start of Something New
March 19, 2017 │ Dean van Rooyen
A start of something new.
So this is happening. Not because of any significance of the date or any specific special occasion, but because of the realization of what I’ve been blessed with and who I am blessed to have in my life.
It is a bit of a cliche to say there is a reason for why these people came into my life and why I’ve been blessed with what I have, but if the shoe fits then why not call it out. It is also a cliche to say that moments and people in your life should not be taken for granted, but once again – call it out. Why? Because these 2 cliches are key factors to a start of something new.
A feeling started to form for 12 years and has laid dormant in between, a feeling that made me excited to follow something without a name, but all I knew about it was the excitement and the inner child in me that came along with it.
So I decided to give this ‘something’ a name. A hobby. A hobby that has been experimented with for the first 8 years, on and off, pursued and forgotten. Now the main aspect that made this hobby came to fruition, was moments. Moments that build me up to the person who I was, who I am now and who I will be. And the best thing about it, was that these moments did not always revolve around me, but also around other attributes and figures that made me proud and happy of what I have done and what has happened through to day’s end.
This hobby has been pretty vague to me just as it is to you who are reading this post, the moment when I decided to pursue it in detail and uncover its own Pandora secrets. Now this might sound as a major thing, and for myself it pretty much is, but basically this hobby is to meet people.till
True… individuals are strange and complex aliens, each one unique in their own way and it is exciting to say that not even one is exactly the same as the other. But why am I describing it as a hobby? I thought at first if I am becoming one of those weird ones’ that just float by and randomly ask how his or her day went, those weird ones’ who eavesdrop and burst into random chats just to be part of the conversation, but strange enough it wasn’t like that. It just came naturally to me that people want to talk to me. It was literally as if I was in a glass box with the words TELL ME YOUR STORY written on my forehead without a coin slot for paying to listen, but once again the strange thing was that it really never bothered me. I guess the reason was because of the background story that came with the person who I have met that intrigued me to listen and as I’ve learned I came to realize personally that it’s the other way around, that the person actually comes with the background story.
So yeah, as mentioned, hobbies are pursued through only certain times during life just because of life interferences and as I said becomes then dormant. In my case it was due to aggressive teenage transformation, group cliques, group pressure of not mingling with people who don’t meet my group of friends’ values and standards, relationships, depressive states and like in any student’s situation – studies.
Now this 8 years was between the ages of 12 -19, meaning that these stories that told all revolved around personal issues with friends or family. So it actually brought no basic significance or value that I can use to further myself into this game called life, except to learn out of it and move on. But then the big world kicked in and these stories got more interesting. New themes were introduced, like money, starting of companies, fame, fitness, creating new families, traveling the world etc.was
You can think for yourself how many conversations and endless debates were started around these themes and why. The question that I asked myself was, how can I manipulate what I’ve heard and learned that would benefit me and change me into the person who I am meant to be. And that is when the internet actually became something that people can use to build a career. And by internet, I mean social media applications. I think I can guess to this point you guys know what social media apps I am referring to.
Now let me make it clear that what I am typing about and what I am about to type further on, will in no way exploit anyone and only benefit them and me in only positive ways. Why use your hobby to hurt someone… you feel me?
Okay so according to MS Word you have read more than 800 words and still this guy has not come to a point. So here is the deal. Basically I like helping people and hearing about their stories and successes, and what more modern way is there do it than through social media. I plan on meeting you, get to know you and your ambitions, your career and your success and with this knowledge give exposure to the outside world. I sound like an agent, but will brag and call myself a guardian agent.
If you know me and you were one of those unique and exciting aliens who told me your story, be it at the age of 12 or 70, or want to tell me your story of what you do in life, what you want to do in life or just simply who you are.. then just click your favorite app, let’s link up and enjoy my hobby together.
I will post regular updates of businesses and events that I visited and heard off, and along with a weekly blog post which will be more in detailed of what happened and who I met. Maybe you will be lucky to read about your own story and feel hopefully more inspired. Lookout for the hashtags #WeeklyAl, and #WArecommended for some good places to see and awesome people to connect with.
This is not A, but THE start of something new. Not just for me but for you as well.
Get to following and start telling.
Cheers for this week,